I WAS interested and saddened to read about the historic sites in Warrington which are at risk of being lost forever.

For those who have not yet seen it, seven entries in the area have been included on Historic England’s ‘at risk’ register.

This effectively means that they are in a poor condition and could be at risk of deteriorating further.

Two of them are churches, three are street-fronts, one appears to be a field and the other is the iconic Warrington Transporter Bridge.

We must do more to protect our historic sites before they are lost and replaced with huge grey monstrosities.

While the modern look may be ‘in’, it is no replacement for a traditional look which adds character to the town.

One older building I will not be sad to see go however is New Town House, which has been an eyesore for many a decade.

Again though, I fear what will replace is it a futuristic building of grey metal and glass, rather than the characterful buildings built in yesteryear.

