I AM writing about the building of retirement apartments on green belt on Watercress Farm in Lymm (Warrington Guardian online, May 30).

McCarthy Stone claim in their press release that they have consulted 2,000 residents and they are ‘delighted with the response’.

In fact fewer than half the residents of the four roads directly affected on the Dairy Farm estate were consulted and to my knowledge none were in favour.

The development of 45 apartments for 64 residents has provision for only 28 parking spaces with access through an established residential estate that is already heavily parked and used as a play street by children.

The disruption from heavy construction lorries and the parking of contractors vehicles during the lengthy build and the movement and parking of residents vehicles and delivery vehicles once completed will be horrendous and potentially dangerous on the narrow access roads.

Furthermore access to shops and services for elderly, disabled or poorly sighted people from the apartments, either on foot or on mobility scooters, involves narrow pavements along Rushgreen Road where vehicles regularly mount the pavement or to the village along an unmade canal path and a stretch of road with no pavement.

This development should be rejected by Warrington Borough Council.

JIM DALE Dairy Farm Estate resident