THE Guardian’s recent report on problems surrounding the Brexit lorry park at Appleton Thorn suggested that only 69 vehicles would be present on site at any time.

This figure now looks suspiciously low given the failure of government to start a similar park at the port of Holyhead, now delayed by two years.

Four hundred thousand lorries use Holyhead to and from Ireland each year, those travelling to Welsh destinations will first need to go to the nearest document clearing facility and Warrington is by far the closest.

With work on hardly any of the Brexit parks actually started, Appleton Thorn will be an HGV honeypot. But never mind, Andy Carter MP says it will create 460 ‘well paid’ HMRC and border force jobs.

The Government has admitted these ‘well paid’ bureaucrats  needed to process this new red tape will number some 50,000 and the Road Transport Association reckon they will need ‘at the very least’ 50,000 extra staff to deal with their extra workload, so who will pay for this mess?

Prior to Brexit 32,000 EU civil servants dealt with all matters for all 28 countries, so much for removing bureaucracy.

The 29 planned lorry parks include several in Kent, but as with the new UK internal Irish Sea border there will be one separating us from Kent.

Of course there will be a ‘world beating’ IT system to administer it, except it’s not ready, primarily because the Government still doesn’t know what Brexit is.

TV and newspaper adverts urge business to prepare for ‘a new way of doing business’ but with around 30 working days left until transition ends, nobody knows what that is.

You just couldn’t make it up.