I WOULD like to make a complaint regarding the lack of advertisement of the Central Ward6 Master Plan consultation sessions.

No visible adverts have been placed in the Guardian over the past few weeks to advertise this, nor have I seen any posters in the windows of shops where I live.

The information sessions are only over very short periods of time, in the day, for people to attend between now and March 22.

The questionnaire online mentions nothing of the detail of the plans, merely asks questions that most people would have already commented on in the PDO questionnaire.

There is a clear disregard for people living in the un-parished areas of the town, which are mostly less affluent areas.

The plans will have a significant effect on these areas, yet few know about them. Those in the green belt areas are up-in-arms, quite rightly, but little is said about the knock on effect of those living between the Manchester Ship Canal and the M62.

I can’t begin to express the anxiety and uncertainly of the impact the plans for redevelopment in Latchford will have and have no support from my local councillors.

There are plans out there regarding new roads, high rise housing, commercial buildings, but where residents are aware, their concerns and anxieties are not being heard or addressed.

There is a real fear of reduced value in property and compulsory purchase if a new road is built, increased traffic, pollution and the poor health that this can cause.

Traffic is already at breaking point and the new Chester Road crossing will have little impact on the east side of Warrington.

Please can the council and councillors be transparent and honest with the people.

M WOOD Latchford