TERRY O’Neill is right: He could have achieved even more for our town as council leader if Helen Jones MP had worked properly with him.

She failed to, and tried to dismiss reports of her unprofessionalism as ‘untrue allegations’.

Since then, in an official response to a Freedom of Information request, WBC confirmed that in the seven years Terry was leader, Helen Jones met with him once.

Only once, and that was back in February 2012.

Helen Jones has landed herself in double trouble, behaving atrociously to a colleague and then falsely denying it.

Sadly, she is yet again failing her constituents in Warrington North and bringing Labour into disrepute.

Worryingly, it is now rumoured that her son Chris Vobe wants to stand for WBC again and has applied to the candidate panel.

Sadly, Helen Jones used her son’s previous position as a councillor as a weapon to undermine Terry O’Neill and to attack colleagues and officers, giving ammunition to the Tories and Lib Dems.

Chris Vobe’s behaviour was poisonous and he brought Labour into disrepute through the criminal investigation into his conduct by Cheshire Police, who presented a ‘full file of evidence’ to the CPS (charges were not brought on public interest grounds).

The subsequent Labour NEC inquiry calmed things down, but may need to be re-opened now.

The last thing this town needs is Helen Jones’s son back on WBC.

CLLR NICK BENT Stockton Heath (Labour)