WITH a new leader, Gerard Batten, MEP, as we enter our 25th year, UKIP is on its way back.

Currently the polls are showing UKIP with eight per cent support.

Translated into Parliamentary seats, under proportional representation (PR), this would give us about 50 MPs at Westminster.

No wonder the Tories and Labour are against PR.

With our finances back on track, we can concentrate on our politics.

We want UKIP to be the only party which represents ordinary working people and small business owners – these are the lifeblood of our country, and they make it work.

UKIP stands for restoring Britain’s institutions, such as parliamentary democracy, a free and impartial legal system under our statute and common law – not rule by unelected and EU bureaucrats who are impossible to dismiss.

Currently, our laws are made in Brussels, our appeasing political and media classes serve the EU’s interests and not ours.

Let’s have no more payments to Brussels, especially the £40 billion for being allowed to leave.

No more EU laws and no more open borders. Nigel Farage is back, campaigning for a clean Brexit.