I AM amazed about the decisions the borough council is accepting on the agenda for the plans committee.

When they pass decisions do they not consider that some affect other towns?

Chopping down mature trees for example, which stops the beneficial carbon dioxide from leaves that absorb it, harms the air we breathe and adds to the dangers from global warming.

Now the trees are down the logs will be chopped up for sale to the people who have wood burners to heat their homes, despite the dioxins and other pollutants in the smoke.

Then the policy of approving lots of shops along the A49, which means added traffic and pollution from increased road transport.

They then go for the proposal for a waste transfer station on Winwick Road, with the greatly increased heavy transport from lorries travelling back and to.

I would like to enquire if WBC has a sufficient number of highly qualified environmental officers to advise them so that air quality, traffic noise and delays can be properly assessed.

It would be healthy and reassuring if they would highlight the necessity of protecting the environment and recommend a strongly worded environmental impact assessment.

Or is money the main criteria, rather than wellbeing and health?