I AM writing to voice my concerns over the terrible state of the grass verges and planted areas throughout Warrington.

What is going on Warrington borough council / Birchwood town council? I have lived in Gorse Covert now for 30 years and have never seen the area look so neglected, long grass, overgrown hedges and weeds in the gutters.

I have always been proud of the area I live in but not how it is looking at present.

We have some lovely walks behind our homes and I ventured out with my four year old grandaughter.

What a mistake that was if you manage to avoid the brambles and nettles overhanging the pathway , you won't avoid the dog mess left on the sides of the long grass.

There is no way I could have let her run around as my own children used to do. Please can we have our lovely area back as it used to be.

Kathy Butterworth, Gorse Covert