WARRINGTON Wolves fans reacted angrily after watching their side slip to defeat at Magic Weekend.

A victory over Hull FC would have taken them back to the top of the Super League table and having taken a 12-0 lead early, they looked on course to do just that.

However, a nightmare second half saw them subside to a 30-18 defeat - their second in succession.

Here is some of what fans have been saying on social media... 

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Mike Gill: Depressing to watch. Feel sorry for Williams, Clarke, Walker, Ashton and Vaughan the only 5 with class and effort throughout, Wrench did well. Dufty rocks and diamonds. Minikin is never a SL player. The rest just passengers. As a Wire Fan it just feels the repeat button is pressed again. We are loosing the go forward and ruck battle constantly. Powell being found out again. Can we please show some passion!

Lee Chambers: Powell’s clock has started ticking again. Loss of Mikaele and not replacing is huge, we have the cap and fee - why wait? Why have Green on the bench, lose Philbin and in essence play most of second half with 15. Minikin got done all game, at least move Mata’utia back and take him off? Ratch for me needs to move on. He’s been brilliant but a centre he is not.

Mark Leigh: Embarrassing second half. Hope this isn't how the second half of the season is going to pan out