GREAT Britain selectors were so impressed with the performances of Warrington Gymnastics Club's girls in preliminary competitions and the Scottish Open that they picked them in their entirety to represent their country in competition overseas.

All 14 girls representing Britain in team gym at the Nordic Games in Sweden were members of Warrington Gymnastics Club. Thirteen of them were making their Great Britain debuts in the combined floor, trampet, vault and tumbling event.

The girls, 12 of them from Warrington and two from St. Helens, were keen to make an impression and stepped up their training to six days per week in an attempt to further improve on their timing and coordination with each other.

Competition was provided by Swedish, Danish, Norwegian and another British team.

It was the Warrington girls who swept to first place glory.

Earlier in the year the Warrington girls, coached by Neil Salisbury and Paul Plumton, had won the Scottish Open and they finished third in the British Championships.