AFTER a few weeks away, our Warrington Guardian Fan Panel is back.

Three of our panellists responded to call-outs for their thoughts on the impressive Round 11 victory over Hull KR on Thursday night.

Here’s what they had to say…


What a superb team performance. Not one single player had a bad game.

It's hard to pick out single players, but I'm going to focus on two who don't seem to be getting mentioned much.

Jordy Crowther continues to make me eat my words from last season when I said he isn't a player for us.

His work rate is relentless and while he's not going to go on barnstorming runs, his rush defence really takes the sting out of some very strong runners.

We saw it against Saints when he did a great job of shutting down Walmsley and last night, he did it again.

The other player is Danny Walker – I really think he brings more to the team then Daryl Clark did.

Yes, Clark’s dummy running is superior, but Walker has such a well-rounded game.

His kicking is fantastic and really catches teams off-guard when they're waiting for the fifth for us to kick.

I can't wait for the semi next week.


With an underwhelming sort of game last week against Hull FC, Warrington played host to their cross-city rivals Hull KR.

This was going to be the start of the tough fixtures that the Merry Month of May will throw at The Wire as KR came to Warrington fresh on the heels of beating Wigan and Saints in consecutive weeks.

Could Wire put a performance in and make a statement? You bet they could…

Even from the warm-ups, you could tell that Wire were ready to play and they showed from the first whistle that they were ready to work and dig in for each other.

Wire took their opportunities when presented with them. There was some nice shape thrown when attacking the line and a real defensive togetherness.

There was no backward step taken, and not one player switched off at any time – this was a performance to savour.

The performance last night showed the willingness and desire that the players have – it shows on the players’ faces and transmits on the pitch.

After each tackle, try or good piece of play, the atmosphere from the fans was getting louder and louder – you could see the players were feeding off it and visibly lifting.

At next Sunday’s semi-final, the atmosphere needs to be as strong as it has ever been!

Huddersfield will be throwing everything at Wire but if the atmosphere is like a cauldron and the players stay focused and focus on the job in hand, there is no reason The Wire won’t be walking down Wembley Way on June 8.


Wow - where do you start with that? Any one of them could have been MoM.

A proverbial game of two halves and my man of the match in the first half was George Williams – he was causing all sorts of problems for HKR with what he was doing without the ball.

They were so focused on him that it opened the left edge up for King and Ashton. It looked like Hull’s gameplan was focused on keeping Williams out of the game.

Harrison is getting better and better each time he plays. Walker impressed also but to be honest, pretty much the whole team did.

The second half was all Hull and bar a couple of errors, our defence was very good against a side that beat Wigan and Saints in recent weeks.

I could be happy if the season ended now based on the last few seasons, but this is a completely different team with a completely different attitude.

I guess we may not be flying under the radar much from now on…