THERE was lots to like about Warrington Wolves' Lancashire Cup Final win against Wigan back in 1980.

Second-rower Tommy Martyn's incredible 62-metre try from the kick-off was a highlight, and probably the most memorable moment of the England international's distinguished career.

It was always a pleasure to see Welsh wizard John Bevan's try-scoring salute, while winger Rick Thackray's ability to beat a man with his pace, swerve, footwork and in-and-out scheming were on full show in the Knowsley Road decider in front of a little over 6,000 fans.

Hooker Tony Waller was a stand-out performer, with seemingly every audacious dummy in his locker paying off in a 26-10 success on that sunny October 4 day in 1980.

Things were different then in all kinds of ways, of course, including Wigan being a second division team at the time - albeit one flying high and heading back to the top flight.

Wire's Bukta white kit with primrose and blue V was pre-sponsors, with numbers on the back representing the position being played rather than a squad number that was held all year.

Tactics were different, as noticed with Wigan taking a penalty goal attempt in the second half when 19-5 behind.

And Eddie Waring's commentary for those watching the second-half live on BBC Grandstand was totally unique.

They were the days when the BBC showed brief highlights of the first half and all of the second, and annoyingly typed the latest football scores over the top of the footage as the game played out.

Here's some of the game highlights: