TAKE a step in the right direction and help support this year’s Fairtrade Fortnight.

A variety of events are planned for the fortnight, which starts next Monday, February 27, based on this year’s theme ‘take a step in 2012’.

The Fairtrade Foundation is aiming to get 1,500,000 steps from the public, one for every farmer or worker currently benefiting from fairtrade.

Trish Powell, a member of Warrington’s Fairtrade Steering Group said: “These ‘steps’ in support of fairtrade will enable many more struggling overseas producers to start taking steps towards a brighter future.

“A step can be anything you do to support fairtrade; from swapping your sugar to fairtrade, to buying your mum fairtrade roses, or joining Warrington Fairtrade Group on Facebook.”

“One small step taken here can mean a giant leap for a farmer in a developing country.”

To register your step visit fairtrade.org.uk/step.