Dear James, My family and I celebrated my son coming home last week and a number of photographs were taken. On some were a number of light anomalies and streams of light? What do you think it could have been? I am a sceptic but interested in your opinion. Diane

Dear Diane you have lost a lot of people over the years so they could have been present at the home coming of your son although they would have been with him helping him have a safe return. Cameras do pick things up that our eyes do not. Dust has been the main culprit, moister in the air and even single hairs caught on camera are other things caught. People smoking on pictures gives a good ghost shape, everything has to be taken into account. Orbs as they are called do come in all shapes and sizes and now colours. Moving orbs can look like streams of lights moving through a room. On the day there was one spirit lady present who felt to like a grandmother who is very proud and happy about her baby grandson as she called him to be home.