DUNCAN Richardson is the man heading up the £30 million pound Orford Park project for the council.

He believes everything possible is being done to create employment and a legacy for Warrington, adding: “I acknowledge that many jobs haven’t been created yet.

“The economic climate doesn’t allow for it, but we have systems in place so when a job does come up opportunities are maximised for Orford residents.

“The employment scheme agreed between Galliford Try and the council states that 20 per cent of people on site at any given time must live in Warrington.”

According to Mr Richardson, eight out of 22 people currently working on the park have a WA post code, exceeding the target number.

“This was never going to be a case of thousands of jobs being available. Would it be reasonable for Galliford Try to lay people off so we can employ more people from Warrington?

“What this contract has meant is that many people are keeping their jobs in a recession.”

He said that as the project develops, more jobs will become available, and added: “The legacy for jobs is to come, when the site is operational.”