FOLLOWING the publication of the MP committee's report, reporter Helen Cartwright put some key questions to the Chief Fire Officer in Cheshire, Steve McGuirk.

Here's what he had to say.

HC: The committee has found that the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (now the Department of Communities and local government) has failed to provide a full business case for the regional control centres scheme and in particular, says the lack of information on the financial implication of the fire control centres for fire authorities is unacceptable.

Does this still remain a concern for Cheshire Fire Service, and is it any more so because of the committee's view?

Chief Fire Officer Steve McGuirk: No. We expressed this concern in our evidence and this remains the case we were also pleased that the committee supported our concerns about the need to ensure the project encompasses incident communications (or evidence is cited).

HC: There is a recommendation in the report that the government fully funds any additional burdens on fire rescue authorities imposed as a result of the control centre proposals. Does Cheshire envisage that it would have any additional burdens?

Chief Fire Officer Steve McGuirk: Yes there will be a number as we plan the project and run systems in tandem.

HC: It also asks for government clarification on the role of the interim national coordination centre in relation to regional control centres. How does Cheshire see that role, particularly in the event of an emergency situation in the area?

Chief Fire Officer Steve McGuirk: The interim centre should not affect Cheshire given that we are in the last wave.

HC: The report asks the Government to ensure that the location of each RCC meets strict criteria on resilience. The Warrington centre is based on a business park are you confident it could meet the criteria if necessary?

Chief Fire Officer Steve McGuirk: It is a matter for Government we had no part in making the selection of the site we assume the government is confident.

HC: There seems to be concerns about the overall efficiency savings of the fire control centre, and that control room functions be analysed before any further progress is made on the fire control centre.

What is the view of Cheshire on whether in this region it will make overall efficiency savings?

Chief Fire Officer Steve McGuirk: We do not believe at the moment there will be major savings it is likely to be cost neutral. However, we should see significant benefits with the use of modern technology.