DRINKERS are being kitted out with equipment packs designed to help them keep a careful eye on their drinks and enjoy the summer.

Middlewich CAT team is taking to the streets with drink detective kits, which detect the drugs most commonly used in crimes like rape and robbery.

Officers are reassuring residents that there is not a particular problem in Middlewich and they just want people to have a safe night out in the town.

PCSO Roger Need said: "During those long summer months people drink more, relax more and are a bit more off guard.

"The purpose of these kits is to promote a safe night out and bring peace of mind to people when they go out.

"It's to make people aware of the possible drugs that can be used and how to prevent that.

"Even if people don't use them it highlights the issue and gives people peace of mind."

The kits are made up of three tests which detect GHB, ketamine and drugs such as rohypnol and valium.

They also contain valuable advice on how to drink safely, including not leaving your drink unattended, making sure you see it being poured or opened, drinking with trusted friends, watching each others' drinks and not sharing drinks or drinking leftovers.

Police have already handed some to people in the town on Friday and Saturday nights but will be distributing more while on patrol during the Middlewich Folk and Boat Festival weekend.

PCSO Need said: "We got quite a positive result - people were quite impressed."

The town's licensees are also keen to back the initiative and help everyone enjoy summer nightlife.

Liz McGuinness, from the Boar's Head pub, said: "It's a good idea and will help people to feel safe."