CROWDS of visitors turned out in Whitley on Saturday for a regal treat and the chance to celebrate community spirit.

Young and old took part in the fun, which began with a procession led by Latchford Brass Band.

Star of the day was Stephanie Barber, who took over from Anna Spencer as the village rose queen. The procession included vintage tractors and a number of Whitley organisations including Whitley Nursery, whose float had a jungle theme.

Entertainment was provided by children from Whitley School who sang and also produced a karate display led by Ged Dolan, from Warrington Karate Academy.

Stalls included a tombola, cake stall, coconut shy, bouncy castle and the chance for youngsters to try their hand at sumo wrestling.

There was also a beach area including sandcastle building and sand art.

And football fans didn't miss out as there was a television to watch the England game.

The rest of the retinue was crown bearer Joseph Gleave, chief attendant Chloe Royle, attendants Millie-Ana Saunders and Georgiana Greenwood, and train bearers Max Ure and Joel Wilkes.

Anne Tolson, one of the organisers, said: "The weather was perfect and there was a great turnout, especially children.

"It was a little bit quieter than last year, probably because of the football."

The profits from the event will go towards a Christmas party for the over 60s in the village.