A BARNTON man who pleaded guilty to 20 counts of child pornography will be sentenced at crown court.

John Ernest Goodier, of Spencer Street, appeared at Northwich Magistrates' Court on Thursday and admitted seven charges of taking indecent photographs of a child, nine charges of making indecent or pseudo photographs of a child and possessing 187 indecent photos of a child for distribution.

The 44-year-old also admitted two counts of causing or indicting a child aged 13 to 17 to prostitution or pornography and distributing eight indecent photos of a child.

The offences occurred between July 19, 2004, and on or about July 30 this year.

Chairman of the bench Don Beckett said the case was 'far too serious' for magistrates to hear and conditionally bailed Goodier, with the provision he did not have any direct or indirect contact with any person under 16 years, until he appears at Chester Crown Court for trial on January 4.

He was also ordered to join the sex offenders' register within three days.