A PUPIL has branded his school's attitude to jewellery as old fashioned after he was asked to take out his eyebrow stud.

David Frain, aged 14, had his eyebrow pierced when the summer holidays started in June.

David must keep the stud in for 12 weeks to stop it healing up and it has brought him into conflict with the head teacher of William Beamont High School, Maggie Williams.

David of Ullswater Avenue, Orford, said: "You see loads of children with body piercings around Warrington and lots with eyebrow piercings. Since Mrs Williams started here last year, she's really going back to basics. It's like going to school in the 1950s."

Mrs Williams has defended her stance for health and safety reasons.

She said: "Our policy is that pupils are allowed to wear one pair of gold stud earrings only, one in each lower lobe, and a wristwatch. Any other form of jewellery or body piercings are not allowed.

"In this case, the pupil came back to school in September with an eyebrow piercing.

"When it was brought to my attention, I discussed the situation with the pupil and his parents and we all agreed that he would not wear it for school and the matter was resolved."