PLANS that would "drastically improve the centre of Nantwich" have been stalled over a lack of car parking facilities.

Proposals to redevelop the Lamb Hotel in Hospital Street were deferred at the borough council's policy committee meeting, last Thursday.

New owners Egerton Lodge Property Services and London and Palatine Estates are looking to provide executive flats and offices on the site, accompanying a restaurant and bar.

Two ground floor offices and 15 flats would be provided with the conversion of the first and second floors of the grade II listed-building and the construction of an extention between the rear of the hotel and the Parish Hall.

Restaurant and bar facilities would be retained on the ground floor of the former hotel.

Although planning had been recommended for approval, some councillors felt the persistent problem of car parking facilities, both on the site and Nantwich town centre in general, gave cause for concern.

Nantwich Town Council and the Civic Society both welcomed restoration plans but felt only four parking spaces for fifteen flats created difficulties with the nearest public facility off Church Lane often full.

The Town Council offered a solution, suggesting the proposal to build an office block extension be withdrawn and have additional car parking space.

"The Lamb is an historic and beautiful building and we have no objection to doing it up, it's an excellent idea," said Town Council chairman Steve Hope.

"But I think we should ask the developers to look again at the office block. Residents need to have permanent parking and parking in the town centre is inadequate."

Head of planning Derek Cook stated: "A car park is insufficient use of town centre land. It is important to secure the developers and say in this situation you can only have limited parking. Perhaps the developers could provide facilities elsewhere."

"You're not going to sell these flats without," replied Cllr Hope. "Tell me where Mr Cook, where people could park and walk to their car close by. They would feel their car is unprotected. We don't need an office block."

Cllr Donald Potter backed the project in full: "The plan as it is now will improve the aspect of the building and drastically improve the centre of Nantwich.

The proposal was deferred on a majority vote and further discussions with the developers will follow.