AS old age begins to take a hold, one of the major issues concerning all organisations supporting the elderly is helping to keep them in their own homes, according to Maxine Grimshaw, new chief officer at Age Concern, Warrington.

"I hope we are going to see a lot more support for older people at home," said Maxine.

At the moment, there are 60,000 people over 60 in Warrington. At Age Concern, projects to help them include home visiting and information and advice on anything that concerns them - issues such as carers, housing and health.

Older people living at home need practical help with things such as gardening, health care, and emotional support.

An "Ageing Well Project" helps them with health issues such as encouraging an active lifestyle, eating healthily and being involved in the community.

Said Maxine: "Older people want to be independent. Various organisations in Warrington are working towards a better lifestyle for them."

"Older people are becoming more active" she said. They were also being recognised as a resource within the community in terms of their experience."

Older people who need advice or information can ring Age Concern on 01925 244645.