PUB landlady Amanda Roberts has received an award and £500 cheque to mark her success in a national floral contest.

Amanda runs the White Lion in Congleton High Street, and won the gardens and patio section of the national Pubs in Bloom competition.

It was organised by the Innspired pub chain, and Amanda received an inscribed ceramic plate from Innspired chief executive Peter Brook.

The garden at the White Lion has been transformed since Amanda took over three years ago.

Using her own ingenuity and with no professional help Amanda and her friends cleared a wilderness at the back of the pub.

They have built an aviary, rabbit and guinea pig run, fish pond and water feature.

They also laid lawns and installed seating areas, and hanging baskets to decorate the back of the pub.

"The garden is a tribute to what can be achieved with hard work and imagination," said Mr Brook.

"Amanda has turned a wilderness into an oasis behind the high street.

"The competition seeks to reward tenants who have put extra effort into their pub, making it a more enjoyable experience for everyone.

"Those who achieve a fanatastic garden like the White Lion deserve all the praise and recognition we can give them."