A PAINSTAKING operation was mounted this week to rescue two swans trapped in a disused ICI reservoir.

Experts say the mother and cygnet would have starved to death if they were left in the icy concrete tank in Cheshyres Lane, Weston Point.

Cathy Clemence of the Swan Sanctuary was drafted in to co-ordinate the intricate rescue on Tuesday afternoon with firefighters and ICI staff.

Speaking exclusively to The World, Cathy said: "The swans are already distressed. They will die in there if we don't get them out.

"I am not allowed to go down alone because of safety. ICI is taking this very seriously. They are doing everything to protect me."

Residents have been feeding the swans since they discovered their plight on Saturday.

Cathy fears the swans may have been trapped for more than a week.

"They flew in and didn't realise they couldn't get out," she said. "The chances are the mother followed the cygnet, who may have been on its first flight and just became exhausted, saw water and landed.

"I am going to try and rescue them as quickly and efficiently as I can. The longer it goes on, the more distressed they will become.

"I will be bringing medication with me to calm them down."

ICI's staff emergency services team Alan Buckley, Craig Clutton and Gary White broke the ice and rescued the mother swan whilst Cathy plucked the cygnet to safety.

She brought the stressed swans back to her sanctuary to assess their condition and calm them down.

An ICI spokesman said: "We were delighted that Cathy helped us out. She did a sterling job.

"The reservoir used to hold fresh water from the River Dee for use in our chlorine manufacturing process. It was made redundant a year ago when we secured a new supply.

"There is no public access as it is all fenced off and it will be filled in at some time."