OPPORTUNITIES for young people in Willaston have got off to a head start after months of effort by parish councillors such as Glenys Fryer.

Glenys says that following up on contacts made with some of Willaston's young people after the Parish Open Meeting last month, 'Willaston Youth and Community Projects' has now been formed.

The group already has a committee of youths and adults all working towards building up the local community.

The young people have told Glenys they see it as an opportunity 'to put something back into the community to make up for things which have gone wrong between the teenagers and older residents'.

The 'Projects' have a wide base of support to call on, stretching from Willaston Parish Council, Youth Worker Andy Ridgeway, the Youth Police Office, Youth Worker Sarah Robertson, from the Cheshire and Wirral Youth Federation, to our local schools.

The first Project is a Willaston Fun Day on July 14 on the Playing Fields. Already booked is Nail Art, Target Football and a Barbecue. Organisers are also hoping for input from Crewe Alex.

Local schools are getting involved and bands or choirs are welcome to come and perform for 15 minute slots. Donations for raffle prizes are rolling in and prospects look good for the event which aims to raise funds for youth facilities.

If you would like to support the Fun Day or make contact with the committee, Chris at Grimes' Newsagents has offered to act as 'postbox' so call in with written ideas, donations and information addressed to 'Willaston Youth and Community Projects'.