PLANS to build a multi-million hotel and office complex in Sandbach have been drawn up.

An outline application for a 100-bed hotel and 10,000 square metres of offices has been submitted by Halfmoon Investments to Congleton Borough Planners.

The site earmarked is to the south of the Texaco garage on Old Mill Road, just next to Junction 17 of the M6 motorway.

Liz Cowdry, Planning Officer with the borough council, confirmed the application had been received and officers were beginning to look into it.

"We are dealing with the application but we need further information on it," Ms Cowdry explained.

"We will have to look at the hotel as this was not part of the plan and we will have to look at the access and what is acceptable," she added.

The site has been earmarked for development in Congleton Borough Council's Local Plan and indeed has been the subject of attention from developers in the past.

"There have been previous applications on this site but the Highways Agency raised concerns about the traffic leaving the M6 at Junction 17 and its relationship to any development," Mrs Cowdry continued.

"This application has got a far way to go before we get any result," she added.