A - art; AC - arts and crafts; A2 - arts (drawing and painting); ACC - accounting; AD - art and design; AG - art graphics; ARC - archaeology; B - biology; BH - human biology; BI - British industrial society; BS - business and information studies; BTC - business technology and communication; C - chemistry; CDC - craft design and communication; DR - craft, design and realisation; CDT - craft, design and technology; CG - computing; CH - Chinese; CL - constitutional law; CO - commerce; CP - computer studies; CS - communication studies; CTP - core text processing; D - design; DA - dance; DC - design and communication; DE - design engineering; DM - drama; DR - design and realisation; DS - domestic science; DT - design and technology; DW - design and woodwork; EC - economics; EH - economic and social history; EG - English language; ES - engineering science; ET - English literature; EU - European studies; EV - environmental science; EVS - environmental studies; EX - electronics; FM - film studies; FR - French; FS - French studies; FT - food technology; G - German; GC - graphic communication; GG - geography; GL - geology; GS - general studies; GV - government and politics or law; HAM - history and appreciation of music; HD - health education; HE - home economics; HEC - home economics (child development); HEF - home economics (food); HI - history; HP - human physiology; HR - horticulture; HS - health studies; HSC - health science; HSCR - health and social care; HU - humanities; I - Italian; IS - industrial studies; IT - information technology; JPN - Japanese; L - Latin; LF - life skills; LW - law; M - mathematics; MA - applied maths; MF - further mathematics; MM - mathematics and mechanics; MP - pure mathematics; MPA - mathematics, pure and applied; MPS - mathematics (pure and applied); MS - media studies; MU - music; OA - office applications; OS - office studies; P - physics; PA - performing arts; PE - physical education; PH - philosophy; PSY - psychology; RE - religious education; RS - religious studies; RSC - rural science; SC - science; SCD - science (dual awards); SO - sociology; SP - Spanish; SS - social studies; SSC - social science; ST - statistics; SPS - sports studies; SX - social economics; T(SC) - technology systems control; TRM - technology resistant materials; TB - technology and business studies; TC - technical communication; TG - technology (graphics); TS - theatre studies; TT - technology (textiles); TX - textiles; UR - Urdu; WS - welfare and society.

If a student has achieved both A-levels and AS-levels, a * denotes the AS-level.