I AM writing with regards to the article in last week's Guardian about the concerns over parking, noise and odours at the new proposed site for the Hilal.

I cannot believe the parish council has maintained these concerns when they are allowing a multi-business development on the heart of the village.

When the planning permission for the new development was being passed the parking was not a problem as there are two very large car parks in the village within close walking distance of the new site.

Yet, how can the argument about parking be maintained when the proposed site for the Hilal backs onto one of these car parks?

Furthermore, the Hilal has been a prominent feature in Stockton Heath for more than 20 years, and the odours have never been problematic - in fact, it is difficult to pinpoint where odours arise from with two Chinese and one Italian restaurants close by.

I live in the village and feel the residents' concerns are being used to the parish council's advantage because they want the new complex to be successful without competition from the older established businesses.

Protests from locals with the 'Save our Square' campaign were ignored in order to push through the development plans for the multi-purpose business complex.