AS a member of the local Mencap Society and the soon to be abolished Community Health Council, I am writing to inquire if World readers are aware of the fact that this year was designated the European year of people with disabilities.

However, there seems to be very little or no mention of this fact or any events to commemorate the year at local level here in Halton.

Where any of the local disability groups informed about the year and given the opportunity to apply for any money or grants that might have been made available through the European Union?

Having contacted a couple of local councillors and disability community group leaders, I am sorry to say I was left with only one conclusion, that nothing has taken place here in Halton and I wonder how widespread this lack of information is.

It seems to me that the European year of people with disabilities was little more than 'all talk and no action' once again for a vulnerable section of our society here in Halton.

Do your readers also know that from October 2004 there is a need for everyone to comply with the provisions of the Disability Discriminations Act of 1995 and the Disability Commission Act of 1999?

As we alter our buildings to make them more accessible, is there a need also to alter the way we treat people with disabilities in order to make them feel more included?

Name and

address supplied