TIRELESS campaigner Margaret Waltier, hailed UK Radiographer of the Year, has been crowned by her colleagues.

She laughed as they placed a tiara on her head.

Halton Hospital chief executive Ian Dalton presented her with champagne and a bouquet of flowers, bought by her colleagues.

Edwina Sunley, one of her workmates who nominated her for the award, said: "She is always fighting the cause of patients and other staff.

"Thanks to her, all patients are now X-rayed in rooms with air conditioning and cool water on tap."

Crusading Margaret travels to Ghana every year to pass on her expertise and help improve conditions.

"Determined, very popular, hard working, conscientious, always on the go, keeps us all in order, professional and 'barium enema queen'," are just some of the words her colleagues chose to pay tribute to Margaret's dedication.