IT was a real family affair when baby Ellis Garnett was born.

Ellis, of Bramhalls Park in Anderton, couldn't wait to arrive and was safely delivered at home by his dad Leigh and aunt Angela McCafferty.

Angela was given instructions over the phone by ambulance control room worker Michelle Simms.

The drama began on Friday at 12.20am when mum Julie started having contractions.

She woke husband Leigh at 2.20am, got everything ready for hospital and told him to ring her sister Angela and brother-in-law Stephen in Barnton.

Angela and Stephen arrived. The couple were about to set off but by this time the contractions were just three minutes apart.

Julie said: "I knew I wouldn't make it.

"Two minutes later, I needed to push and we just got some towels.

"My only thought was I needed to push and the ambulance wasn't going to be here and the midwives weren't going to be here.

"I knew that there was no medical backup and I just prayed that he came out head first."

Ellis was delivered by Angela and Leigh, with fantastic support from Stephen, and weighed in at just over 5lb 3oz.

Proud dad Leigh said: "It was an experience.

"I didn't have time to panic. Angela and I just took over and before we knew it he was born."

He added: "Michelle was brilliant. She was very good."

Michelle, who has only been working on control for the past six months, said it was all in a day's work.

She said: "I received a phone call from the father saying his wife was about to give birth.

"I talked it through with his sister-in-law.

"I wasn't really nervous, it's only when you think about it afterwards.

"I heard the baby crying which was lovely.

She added: "It is part of my job. It is what I have been trained to do."

Meanwhile Ellis's two brothers Joseph, aged three and Thomas, aged 14 months slept through the whole drama.