IN response to recent letters.

I will accept that the stadium provides a good quality public resource and its facilities are excellent and have undoubtedly raised the profile of Halton.

It's well used, but unfortunately it is rarely full to capacity. That is why I question the need to invest more money in another stand.

Surely, there are other priorities that need to be addressed?

I accept that some of the public services which directly impact on the quality of life for the majority of residents will be run at a loss but still need our support.

As to whether there should be a return on our investment of council tax money, I would point out that the council is charged with getting value for money, and I'm not sure it is.

The amount of council tax being paid to service the debt is quite considerable.

If we could reduce the level of debt, maybe we could address further some of the council's identified priorities, or even reduce the level of council tax among pensioners finding it difficult to pay.

I am not opposed to the stadium or the arts centre, but feel it is legitimate to scrutinise the council spending in the light of council tax rises.

To address Cllr Harris's points, my party's other representatives do have sight of reports and agendas - something I do not have unless I ask for one. As of yet, I have not traced the business plan for 2004-05.

To address some of the other correspondents, I have no arguments about whether Widnes was paid a fair price or not, that should have be scrutinised at the time.

We have a new stadium, which is supported by council taxpayers, not just supporters, but I hasten to add without which the debt would be even greater.

Trevor Higginson, Liberal Democrat