WE reap what we sow and wherever the bad kids drink there is a bad parent oblivious to it.

Wherever there is a speed ramp there is a boy racer.

Don't blame corner shops for selling alcohol, blame yourself.

I am the parent of a 14 and 16 year old.

The eldest is deputy head girl at high school and is going on to college to study child psychology and the other is in the top set taking GCSE's - I am an idiot taxi driver!

What I can say is that discipline works and, at the end of the day, it all comes down to hard work and not blaming others.

Most of the comments I hear everyday in my taxi are unbelievably explicit and morally degrading to their young children and myself sitting next to them.

They are a disgrace to themselves and society in general.

We will never cure this problem, as deep down we are unable or indeed prepared to see the error of our ways.

My way of philosophically describing it is 'rats on a wheel of perpetual destruction, each generation worse than the one before'.

C Matthews, via email