A QUESTIONNAIRE to decide the future of council housing is being sent to all Wigan tenants.

It is in response to the Government's Best Value Inspection of 2002, which said that Wigan and Leigh Housing should improve the information it held on individual tenants.

Peter Gee, chief executive of Wigan and Leigh Housing, said: "Even though we are in the middle of an exciting modernisation programme, it's important that we remember the simple things like treating people fairly and with respect, without exception.

"Any information volunteered will be classified confidential and will not be used for any other purpose than checking we are being fair."

To encourage as many people as possible to return the forms, the first five names drawn out of a hat at the end of the exercise will receive £50.

Any information provided will be held on computer by Wigan and Leigh Housing and used only to ensure that all tenants receive the same level of service.