WHY may I ask is Mr McKie so interested if Smith Drive (Guardian, April 15) gets speed bumps installed or not?

Is this so it does not cause any damage to his car when he is driving down here like so many other members of the public?

I for one support the installation of traffic calming down my road that is supposed to be access only, not a thoroughfare for anybody to use like they do, often at dangerous speeds.

The amount of times my neighbours and I have almost been hit when attempting to get out of our drives is too many to mention. I am unable to leave my bedroom window open during the night because of the noise from traffic speeding down the road, usually taxi drivers.

The sooner traffic calming is in place the better is all I can say. Perhaps Mr McKie and his fellow friends that are quite happy for traffic calming not to be implemented can come and live in this desirable street and see what a problem the traffic does cause.


Smith Drive, Orford