MOTORISTS parking on double yellow lines outside Sankey Station are driving people potty.

Vehicles pulling up outside the shops along Station Road, and sometimes mounting the pavement, are causing annoyance to other drivers and pedestrians alike.

Rail passenger Joanne Donoghue said: "There is a car park outside the station, which is never full, so why people decide to park on double yellow lines is beyond me.

"The only thing I can think of is that they are too lazy to be bothered parking in the proper place."

Residents say that these motorists are creating a real hazard as cars pulling on to Station Road from Hawthorne Road, Forge Road, and the busy Liverpool Road, are having to negotiate their way along the street.

And it is not just people who live in the immediate area who are affected by the problem, as people from across Great Sankey use the shops along the road.

Great Sankey south councillor Jan Davidson said: "People not bothering to park in the car park was one of the reasons we got the double yellow lines put there in the first place.

"I think it just comes down to laziness, but people should be a little bit more thoughtful.

"We have made the police aware of it."

Great Sankey north councillor Trudi Wood said people have been bringing the issue up at surgeries in her patch too.

She said: "People want to be able to just jump out of the car to go to the chemist, and it seems to be becoming more of a problem."

This is not the first time problem parkers have struck in the area.

In 2002 bollards were installed round the corner in Hawthorne Road to stop people parking on the pavement outside the Co-op store.MOTORISTS parking on double yellow lines outside Sankey Station are driving people potty.

Vehicles pulling up outside the shops along Station Road, and sometimes mounting the pavement, are causing annoyance to other drivers and pedestrians alike.

Rail passenger Joanne Donoghue said: "There is a car park outside the station, which is never full, so why people decide to park on double yellow lines is beyond me.

"The only thing I can think of is that they are too lazy to be bothered parking in the proper place."

Residents say that these motorists are creating a real hazard as cars pulling onto Station Road from Hawthorne Road, Forge Road, and the busy Liverpool Road, are having to negotiate their way along the street.

And it is not just people who live in the immediate area who are affected by the problem, as people from across Great Sankey use the shops along the road.

Great Sankey South councillor Jan Davidson said: "People not bothering to park in the car park was one of the reasons we got the double yellow lines put there in the first place.

"I think it just comes down to laziness, but people should be a little bit more thoughtful.

"We have made the police aware of it."

Great Sankey north councillor Trudi Wood said people have been bringing the issue up at surgeries in her patch too.

She said: "People want to be able to just jump out of the car to go to the chemist, and it seems to be becoming more of a problem."

This is not the first time problem parkers have struck in the area. Back in 2002 bollards were installed round the corner in Hawthorne Road to stop people parking on the pavement outside the Co-op store.