IT IS with great disappointment that I read that the NUT is to ballot for strike action over the use of Classroom Assistants in schools.

UNISON, the trade union representing over 1,000 support and professional staff in education in St Helens, welcomes plans to introduce a new comprehensive training and development strategy aimed at driving up standards in schools.

We have been part of a high level group working with the Department for Educational and Skills and other teaching unions to develop the National Agreement and have spent 18 months negotiating the guidance. It was a great disappointment that the NUT did not see fit to sign up to this agreement.

The role of school support staff has and is continuing to change. This agreement makes it clear that it is not about teaching on the cheap. It is about having a proper grading structure in place that fairly rewards support staff for the contribution they make as part of the school team.

The national guidance reflects best practice and the latest changes to the roles of support staff. Support staff in classrooms will continue to work with teachers to improve learning opportunities for pupils.

There is no doubt that school support staff, teachers and of course the children, will all reap the benefits of the better training opportunities. For many years the training needs of school support staff have been ignored and because of that a lot of potential has been wasted. We can now look forward to a new start and a united approach to delivering first class education for our children.

School support staff are a vital part of the school team and play an important role in supporting teachers and helping to provide each child with an education tailored to their needs. UNISON is committed to the recognition of support staff skills, their development and the reward for them.

ANNE McCormack, Deputy Regional Convenor, UNISON.