DAVENHAM Parish Council is considering what can be done to tackle the problem of nuisance youths congregating at Butcher's Style.

Police had to be called to Butcher's Style on Friday, April 23, after reports of anti-social behaviour at the site.

After a reasonably nuisance-free winter, the council says that trouble returned to Butcher's Style during the period of hot weather.

Clr Mike Silcock, parish council chairman, said: "The trouble coincides with lighter nights and warm weather.

"Someone reported to me that there were around 30 youths congregating on the site so I called the police.

"As yet I haven't had any response from the police.

"There were a lot of youths there on the Saturday evening as well. I cleared up the area on the Sunday and managed to fill three bin bags with drinks cans and other rubbish."

The parish council is now discussing what can be done to combat the situation before the summer period begins.

Clr Silcock said: "We are considering putting up a fence around Butcher's Style but I don't want to turn it into Fort Knox.

"It would be a shame to do that because a lot of the youngsters use it properly but get tarred with the same brush as the others.

"We have arranged a meeting with Vale Royal Borough Council and the police to discuss a report on anti-social behaviour by the community safety officer and see what can be done."

The seating area on Butcher's Style has been removed for refurbishment after suffering vandalism from youths and the parish council is now considering relocating it.
