I'M a childminder for three grandchildren, one at Great Sankey High School and two at Sycamore Lane Community Primary School.

During the last holiday there was a four-day discrepancy between closing and re-opening dates. Great Sankey High School, April 1 to 16 inclusive, Sycamore Lane Primary School April 7 to 16 inclusive.

The next break in May/June will be Great Sankey High School, May 31 to June 4 inclusive, Sycamore Lane Community Primary School May 31 to June 11 inclusive - one full week discrepancy.

I cannot see any good reason for these differences, which must cause all sorts of problems for working parents (including teachers with children). I can understand occasional single day discrepancies for teacher training (inset days), but a whole week?

Schools frequently complain about children being taken out of class for holidays, but, if a parent has to take time off work to look after one child, they may well decide to make the best of a bad job and take the whole family off school.

Even I, as a grandparent with some other commitments, find the present situation extremely disruptive and wearing (and sometimes expensive).

Surely the education authority and schools can do something to remedy the situation?

R Whittaker

Cotterdale Close, Whittle Hall