Copy of letter to Cheshire Police Chief Constable

THANK you for your speeding penalty. Yes, technically I was speeding, but I do not believe this fine is for safe traffic policing. I remember the event clearly - clear roads on a clear day and traffic officers sitting in the back of a van, on a central reservation (blocking on-coming views) with the back window down to catch unsuspecting motorists going about their daily business.

Sadly, it seemed to be the same van that the police inform the public is taking down number plates to check if there are any outstanding offences. So much for honesty and integrity.

Congratulations Chief Constable. Thieves, hooligans, drug dealers, real dangerous drivers, illegal drivers continue to ply their trade and what are the police doing - sitting about taking easy money from a decent motorist.

No doubt you will have a pre-planned letter to defend your officers' actions - regrettably, the public, myself included, are less gullible than you believe. Perhaps you should take some lessons from the Durham Chief Constable, as he seems to have the right approach to law enforcement and traffic control - culminating in the public's respect.

I am sickened by what the police are currently doing throughout the country and in my own region. I have never caused, or had, an accident in my life, but due to the amount of travel I do in the nature of my business, by law of averages, I occasionally lose a little concentration in absolutely safe conditions. By pure stealth, I get caught and technically accused of breaking the law. Is it any wonder why law-abiding citizens are losing respect for the police nationally? I do not believe motorists have any problem being caught if it is for genuinely dangerous driving, but it is somewhat galling to be accused of dangerous driving when there was absolutely no chance of an accident being created. Actually, perhaps there was - by the presence of the police van in a narrow central reservation. Had the public parked there, they would no doubt have been moved on and fined for dangerous parking.

I for one will have second thoughts in supporting the police in future and please do not expect me to stop to assist an officer in trouble - he can walk or get a colleague off his backside in some van trapping motorists instead of real policing.

May you choke on my forthcoming £60 and I will keep an eye out for victimisation after your traffic department receives this letter - they are small-minded.


Warren Drive, Appleton