A RESIDENTS' association in Fairfield is campaigning for its own community house, so that it can better serve its neighbourhood.

The St Peter's Area Residents and Tenants Association (SPARTA) is gathering signatures for a petition, which it intends to present to Warrington Borough Council in the next few weeks.

The group currently relies on the goodwill of the elderly residents at St Peter's Court, who allow them to hold their monthly meetings in their building.

But this is proving inadequate and the group wants to have its own building where it can hold community events and do more important work for the area.

Ivy Edwards, chairman of SPARTA, said: "We have been trying to get a community house, like the one on Nora Street, for the past three years.

"We have been to the council and to our MP but we have been unsuccessful. We have tried and tried."

Mrs Edwards added that the group is not just an opportunity to chitchat. She said it was a chance for residents to get valuable advice and information.

"We have outside bodies that come in and talk to us, like the Community Action Team and Street Scene. It would be nice to get a place of our own," Mrs Edwards said.

SPARTA was recently successful when it campaigned for improvements on St Peter's Park.

It worked with councillors to get funding from WREN (Waste Recycling Environmental Ltd), which will go towards paying for new lighting and play equipment, and work on a new seating area at the park began last week after cash came in from the borough council's community safety team.

Anyone who has a room available which the group members can use in the meantime is urged to get in touch with Dave Eatock, community development officer, on 825276.