BIRCHWOOD councillors want to quiz the borough's landscape services chief about the borough council's decision not to support the area's annual bonfire.

Last month Warrington Guardian reported how the borough council's safety fears had put the dampers on the fundraising bonfire for the second year running.

Now town councillors are calling for the borough council to show how it came to the conclusion that the bonfire was not safe.

Councillor Chris Fitzsimmons said: "I think we would like to know the process of the review that concluded the bonfire was not safe.

"We would like a meeting with Mr Stamp and before the meeting he can send us a copy of his report so we can read it and discuss it with him."

Birchwood Lions Club is also calling for answers to the comprehensive review that was carried out before deciding to call a halt to the traditional event.

Lion Peter Ives wrote to Mr Stamp, saying: "You mention 'a comprehensive review'. If this review were so comprehensive why did it not include members of the bonfire and carnival committee, given that we give so much of our own time already to try to organise these events and therefore our experience should count for considerably more than any of those people apparently taking our decisions for us."

Money raised at the bonfire is used to fund the area's carnival.