VOTERS in Vale Royal followed the nationwide trend of supporting the UK Independence Party in the European Elections.

The Euro-sceptic party came third behind the Conservatives and Labour in the election, gaining 5,564 votes in the borough.

It knocked the Liberal Democrats into fourth place, although overall in the north west the Lib Dems won two seats.

Chris Davies retained his seat and was joined by fellow Liberal Sajjad Haider Karim.

The Conservatives and Labour both won three seats, with UKIP winning one.

The overall turnout in Vale Royal was 41.3 per cent, compared to 24.7 per cent in 1999. This is the first year that there has been an all-postal ballot.

The Labour Party got its worst share of the vote since the First World War, with 23 per cent. The Tories received their lowest share since 1832, gaining 27 per cent of the vote.

Dr Whittaker said UKIP's campaign was conducted without resorting to smear, ridicule or the exploitation of the situation in Iraq.

He said: "Now with 12 UKIP MEPs elected nationally, this sends out the unmistakable message that no UK Government can ignore.

"The British people have overwhelmingly confirmed that they have confidence in a Britain governed by the British rather than the European Union."