A BRITISH Red Cross volunteer who has just returned from helping earthquake victims in Iran is appealing to thieves who stole his laptop computer containing images of the disaster.

David Stevens, who hails from Gwynedd, Wales, was taking his 86-year-old father to visit his 80-year-old mum in Warrington Hospital when thieves broke into his car and stole his laptop, CDs and jacket.

Mr Stevens had just returned from a three-month rescue mission to Bam, in Iran, where he had been providing aid to earthquake victims.

Since his return, he has been touring the country giving presentations about the work of the British Red Cross using the laptop and digital pictures of the huge relief operation.

They were left in his car while he visited his mother in Warrington Hospital.

He said: "I have been going round the country giving presentations raising awareness of what the Red Cross does abroad and of the terrible plight of the people in Bam. I have no back-up so it's vital that I get the laptop and discs back.

"I would like to appeal to the person who stole them, some personal mail and a blue waterproof jacket on Monday, June 7, between 3.30pm and 5.30pm, to return them.

"I just want my things back so I can continue my mission. No questions will be asked."

If you know anything about the incident, or can help Mr Stevens retrieve his belongings, call Warrington Guardian reporter Sarah Harker on 434109.