IT APPEARS the foolish comments made by Dale during his Big Brother entrance video have come back to haunt him.

While the crowd of teenage girls who cheered the St Helens hunk into the house didn’t seem to mind his boasts that he was going to ‘nail’ any women in the house, referring to them as a particular part of the female anatomy, Heavenly housemates Rex, Stuart, Mohamed and Mikey were not impressed after watching his VT.

His remark that he would stab anybody in the back to win the show didn’t go down well with Mikey in particular, who launched into a spectacular rant while nominating him for eviction.

The fiery Scot continued by nominating the ‘offensive, obnoxious’ Rex, going against the gameplan the so-called ‘Gentleman’s Club’ agreed to in a special nomination booth earlier this week.

Mikey’s aggressive tone may not sit well with some, but his appraisal of this self-serving, hypocritical git who takes such glee in making other people unhappy was bang on the money. Mikey seems to have some fascinating stories and a wicked sense of humour, and while he may be a bit of a sexual deviant, I’ve found myself warming to him with every show.

Rex meanwhile has undoubtedly become the villain of the piece. One tirade of cruel jibes aimed at Maysoon, Sarah and Rachel thankfully came to a halt when Latchford’s Lisa put him in his place, responding: “You’re just one big joke, aren’t you Rex?” a comment that brought a scowl to his typically smug features.

The ‘executive chef’ is the worst kind of bully, one who gives it out but can’t take it back. Lisa certainly seems to have got right under his skin, and it’s great to watch. Kat’s attempts to show Rex the error of his ways also appeared to fall on deaf ears, so perhaps there is no reprieve in sight for this snide snake.

Elsewhere Luke’s nominations of Kat and Rachel showed the Tory-boy is out-of-tune with public opinion, while Rachel bizarrely didn’t nominate Rex, choosing Luke and Lisa instead. God knows how her brain works after he humiliated her last night – maybe she fancies him.

So, with Dale and Luke receiving six and five nominations respectively, a classic north west encounter between St Helens and Wigan seemed to be on the cards. And with one of them guaranteed to leave the house, it would have been a win-win situation for Warringtonians!

However, with this night’s instalment seemingly over, viewers were then shown a clip of the housemates receiving the news that due to talking in code and breaking BB rules Darnell, Kathreya, Maysoon, Mohamed, Rachael, Rex and Stuart will also face eviction. So that's nine housemates up in total!

Maybe Rex will get his comeuppance after all.