BELINDA has become the fifth housemate to be evicted from the Big Brother House.

To be honest aside from snoring and the multiple renditions of her name I'm not sure what else she will be remembered for.

She quizzed her fellow housemates to death - desperately trying to forge some form of friendship but going about it in completely the wrong way.

She was a mitherer and a woman whose b-bop scat jazz 'singing' instantly grated on viewers.

But ultimately she went the way of all elderly housemates - out the door. If you're 146 there really is no point entering Big Brother, because despite the solitary success of that dour middle-aged Scot Cameron, BB definitely is a young people's game.

Meanwhile the arrogant sneer that is Rex has survived to live another day. When Rex first entered the house I had him down as a potential winner. Sometimes he has me in stitches, escpecially when he is hurling spiked barbs in Becky's direction.

But is anybody else sick of his 'disappointment' when he avoids eviction, his moans and groans about how bored he is in the house and his remarks about how he wants to be reunited with his family?

Attention seeking this blatant deserves to be rewarded. So next time Rex is up, let's see his wishes fulfilled.