BIG Brother, Big Brother, Big Brother...

I hope you know what you're doing, sending three more women into the house that is full of single men craving some female attention.

No sooner had we got rid of moaning Jen than we get treated to three new housemates to fill the void - Sara, an Aussie Angelina Jolie look-a-like; Maysoon, a model who wants to show that they aren't all thick and Belinda, who is incapable of saying her own name once.

The most wonderful part of the night was seeing Dale's face as he looked on aghast like three aliens from the planet Zorb had just walked in.

Odious toad Luke seemed to sniff around the new girls, before rushing to the boys who were holding their own court, to immediately try and pledge allegience among the original housemates to rid the house of the newbies as soon as possible.

But Rex and Mo were soon working their charms on the ladies - Rex enjoying himself a bit too much while telling Sara about how he was better than Jamie Oliver and owned three restaurants and could get a free drink in blah blah blah ...

While Mo was impressing Maysoon by having a chat in Arabic - I only hope they think they can communicate in secret in Arabic, thinking we won't know, it's like when they think we can't hear them without their microphones on!

Belinda meanwhile was doing some freestyle jazz in B Block, impressing just about nobody in the room except an excited Kat who got Darnell of all people to dance!

Just as you think things will die down now most of the hideous people have gone, BB proves you wrong.

One thing is for sure, things are going to get interesting.