SO IT was that time of the week again when a steady procession of housemates made their way to the diary room and made that 'difficult' decision about who to nominate for eviction.

No shock to see Sylvia end up on this Friday's chopping board.

Whether it was the arrogance with which she announced she would 'steal food if she wanted', or the two-faced way she is playing the game with Stuart and Jennifer, she was always going to be in the firing line.

Mo was more of a surprise to me, mainly because I think the pack had selected Rex as their next victim.

Mo does not really seem to do any wrong although I guess you can understand why eating the players out of house and home would annoy them.

What is fascinating about recent days is that a few of the housemates are getting wise to one another.

Darnell challenged Luke over him being two-faced and he was right to do so. The young man from Wigan has gone from one of my favourites to falling right off his pedestal by working the group like only a politician could.

His saving grace is that he does provide some genuinely amusing moments as well.

High on my list of potential winners is Rex. He seems really sound and decent and I believe certain housemates are ganging up on him because they see him as a threat.

No doubt he will be one of the next to go to the public vote, but first they have to do the right thing and get rid of Sylvia.