THE move to bring leisure, libraries and lifestyle services operated by LiveWire back ‘in-house’ to Warrington Borough Council was done ‘absolutely seamlessly’, says a cabinet member.

Following the completion of the move, since March 1, the council has had direct control over services that were previously provided by LiveWire.

During the meeting of the council’s cabinet on Monday, Cllr Tony Higgins – who is the cabinet member for communities, culture and leisure – highlighted that LiveWire was ‘successfully absorbed into the council’s structure’ on March 1, adding that it was done ‘absolutely seamlessly’.

In a report to cabinet – the performance report for quarter four of 2023-24 – it said: “The insourcing of LiveWire services completed on 1 March 2024. Work is now underway to complete the final elements of the transfer, including ensuring all LiveWire services are fully integrated into council policies and processes.

“Leisure and library membership continues to increase, with leisure membership now above pre-covid levels, but libraries still behind.

“However, cost of service continues to be an overall challenge.

“Culture Warrington (CW) continues to perform positively overall. CW have secured Place Partnerships funding which will support a refreshed Warrington Arts Festival, providing a significant boost to Warrington’s cultural offer.”