PROPOSED changes to approved plans for a warehouse at Omega West to ‘future-proof’ the building have been given the green light.

An application for a ‘non-material amendment’ to a previously approved application, involving design changes to unit four, zone eight, has been approved.

The application sought a ‘non-material amendment’ to a previously approved application to facilitate the delivery of unit four at Omega West and seek flexible B2 and/or B8 use of floorspace across the application site.

The amendments alter the design of unit four, with the amendments comprising a minor change to the HGV turning head location, a minor increase in size of the sprinkler tank from 9.3m to 10m, replacement of the proposed escape stair door with a double door, and a glazed canopy added to the warehouse exit door.

In the cover letter, it says the proposed changes are in response to operational as well as technical requirements, and are also required to ‘future-proof’ the building.